This week we celebrate the 5th birthday of our first daughter, Georgia May. These phone pics are from when she was 2 and we were baking. I was also holding our new baby, Olivia Skye, while taking these. Literally juggling the two of them to keep everyone happy.
It is overwhelming to look at photos from the past 5 years and to see them grow and laugh and play. Georgia was practically born baking and we have photos of her receiving that apron, some oven mitts, and baking supplies when she was 18 months old. Already, at that age, I had her on a chair in the kitchen with me, cooking and baking.
I remember that she was making these cookies for Grandpa. We always baked for visits with Grandpa.
Yesterday we had guests over to our house for dinner and they remarked on how I let the girls into the kitchen with me to help bake and cook dessert. We have 2 step stools and Georgia and Olivia pulled them up to the counter and helped make the strawberry shortcake we served. I remembered that not everyone does that. In fact, I don't remember my Mom letting me cook with her. I always did it on my own. But bringing my girls into the kitchen from a young age has served many purposes and has helped to build a foundation of kitchen skills, food knowledge, and appreciation for the food we enjoy.
It is perhaps the best thing I have done as a parent so far.
And as we approach celebrating 5 years since having our first child and becoming parents, I think it is a good time to reflect on all that we have done right. Of course we have made mistakes. But I think that when we focus on what we are doing well, and keep doing it, it diminishes those mistakes or all the things I am completely unaware of that I am doing as a parent and will find out later.
Five years has gone by fast. And we have faced many challenges along the way. But I wouldn't change it for anything. My daughters are two great people and I feel so honored to be their mother.